It's 127.5km from Shanghai to Shangyi clothing headquarters, with an estimated journey of 2 hours and 23 minutes
It is 166.4 km from Nanjing to Shangyi clothing headquarters, with an estimated journey of 2 hours and 30 minutes
It is 58.4 km from Suzhou to Shangyi clothing headquarters, and the journey is expected to be 1 hour and 10 minutes
It is 206.8 km from Hangzhou to Shangyi clothing headquarters, with an estimated journey of 3 hours and 10 minutes
Yantai Shuofang airport to Shangyi clothing headquarters 22.6 km, is expected to travel 35 minutes
Yantai Station to Shangyi clothing headquarters 6.3 km, is expected to travel 20 minutes
Yantai high-speed exit to Shangyi clothing headquarters 6 km, is expected to travel 15 minutes
Good transportation infrastructure reduces the flow cost of Shangyi and the comprehensive cost of garment production. Good accessibility greatly facilitates information exchange and technical cooperation with customers and suppliers.